Sleeping is still your baby’s favorite activity, but when your child is awake, he or she is becoming slightly more active. For instance, it can turn its head to you when you make noises. You can also put your baby on its belly to give it an opportunity to practice lifting its head. A fun thing to do together is for you to also lie on your belly and show how it’s done. Your baby is your greatest fan, so he or she will want to copy everything you do.
Growth spurt days
Around this time your baby can suffer from so-called growth spurt days. Growth spurt days are days when your baby is slightly more agitated than usual. The cause may be that he or she is experiencing a growth spurt and therefore needs more food. Growth spurt days are also a way of keeping up its resistance. When your baby requires more antibodies, his or her body will ask for more milk. This why your baby is crying more; he or she wants to drink more and more often. Don’t worry, this is only temporary.
For now, life is all about your baby, and you and your partner must adapt to it. This requires a large amount of flexibility from both of you! Patience and kindness, towards yourself as well as to your partner, are important here; this will make this somewhat stressful time also a pleasant one.
You may start to feel the need to get some exercise again. Keep in mind that your body is far from back in shape, so start calmly. A relaxing walk with your baby is a good start.