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    Covid-19 English

    Gepubliceerd op: 4-28-2020Bewerkt op: 5-15-2020
    TARA Verloskundigen Gepubliceerd op: 4-28-2020Bewerkt op: 5-15-2020
    Geschreven door: TARA Verloskundigen

    Dear client of TARA verloskundigen,

    We have received good news from the Dutch Organization for Midwives (KNOV). There will be some relaxation in how we can work! From April 28th the following things will change:

    We can offer the early ultrasound again!! That is the early ultrasound around the 8th week of pregnancy. This ultrasound is not mandatory, but if desired, we can make an appointment for you. If you want a vitality ultrasound, please contact our practice: 070-3655424. You still have to come alone (no partner and / or children).

    We no longer need to call you prior to a check. The intake will remain by telephone. The already planned consultations and telephone consultations simply continue on the date and time that you have received. The modified corona schedule is a little further down the email. So far the latest news.

    Below the most important things, the check schedule, frequently asked questions and a number of useful links in a row.


    To remind you: prenatal, natal and postnatal care are still considered to be urgent at any time despite corona. That is why we want to make it clear once again that we are and remain available at all times for all questions, insecurities and concerns about your own health or that of your baby.

    We can be reached at the practice on Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm: 070-3655424. However, the assistant is not always present. She also sometimes works from home. If something needs to be collected, eg the NIPT form, please call in advance if anyone is present.

    Schedule of checkups:

    The intake interview is conducted by telephone. This also includes information about prenatal tests. Note: you will be called by an anonymous number.

    8 weeks early ultrasound (optional) at the midwifery practice via BovenMaas.

    11th week term ultrasound at the midwifery practice via BovenMaas.

    16 weeks: blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    20 weeks ultrasound at ultrasound center or midwifery practice via BovenMaas (to make an appointment call: 010-7370274).

    23 weeks: blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    27 weeks: blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat, possibly blood test.

    31 weeks: blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    34 weeks blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    37 weeks of blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    39 weeks of blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    40 weeks of blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    41 weeks of blood pressure, growth and baby’s heartbeat.

    This means:

    That you do not have a physical check-up with the midwife for up to 16 weeks, but you do have a intake by telephone, optionally an early ultrasound with 8 weeks and a term ultrasound with 11 weeks.

    That you do NOT have to be seen at the practice between 16 and 23 weeks, but you do have the 20-week ultrasound.


    With complaints of a cold, shortness of breath and / or fever: DO NOT come to the practice but call us. -Come alone to your appointment (without partner and / or children), facetime or video calling is of course allowed!


    You still have freedom of choice where to give birth, at home or in the hospital. In the hospital, 1 person may be present during the delivery.

    Water deliveries are possible both at home and in the hospital if you do not have any complaints related to Corona. The pain medication are available except nitrous oxide because they do not know if it is safe for the healthcare providers.

    Maternity week

    Normally we visit a number of times in the first week after your delivery, but this will now be done by telephone or via video calling. We will come at least 1x around day 4 to perform the heel prick (‘hielprik’). The maternity nurse (‘kraamzorg’) does come to your home to take care of you and your baby. We advise not to receive any visitors during this period to minimize the risk of contamination. The hearing test that was normally done after 2 weeks has been temporarily postponed. The intake of the Center for Youth and Family (Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin=CJG/consultatie bureau) will take place by telephone instead of a home visit.

    Changes at the practice

    You will notice that we have changed a number of things in our practice to prevent contamination. For example, there are no more magazines on the table and we are no longer offering water and tea. We clean the contact areas with alcohol after every checkup. You can also meet us with a mouth mask and gloves on.

    Frequently asked questions from pregnant women about COVID-19

    Is the coronavirus dangerous when you are pregnant?

    Based on the currently available research, there is no evidence that pregnant women are more susceptible to infection by COVID-19. Based on data, the effects of an infection with COVID-19 in a pregnant woman does not seem different in the child and the mother than in other infectious diseases causing fever. As far as known, there is no increased risk of miscarriage or birth defects

    Can an unborn baby become infected during pregnancy or delivery?

    So far, there have been no reports that a mother can infect her unborn baby during pregnancy or delivery. The virus has not been found in umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, the newborn's throat or in breastmilk. After the delivery, a mother can infect her child through physical contact.

    What is the risk of the virus to newborn babies?

    The COVID-19 virus is probably not transmissible through the umbilical cord. You can infect your baby through physical contact. Here, too, it is therefore important to take the hygiene measures. In general, it appears that the virus is fairly mild in babies.

    Can I breastfeed if I am (possibly) infected with the coronavirus?

    Yes, that's possible. Research has been done to determine whether the virus is breastfeeding and this is not the case. We recommend that you take extra hygiene measures to ensure that you do not infect your baby. Mothers who are too ill can express the milk and let someone else give it to the baby.

    What should you do if you have complaints of the coronavirus?

    If you are pregnant and have complaints that may indicate COVID-19, such as fever and cough, please contact your doctor. Even if you have been in contact with a patient with COVID-19 in the past two weeks, it is wise to call your doctor. Also let us know before you get a check.

    Useful links regarding COVID-19

    https://www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/vragen-antwoorden https://www.pharos.nl/coronavirus/zwanger-of-bevallen-en-het-corona-virus/ https://allesoverzwanger.nl/veel-gestelde-vragen-over-het-coronavirus/ https://lci.rivm.nl/zwangerschap-werk-en-covid-19 https://www.borstvoedingsraad.nl/nieuws/2020/03/31/borstvoeding-ten-tijde-van-het- coronavirus/

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