Sexual intercourse during a normal pregnancy doesn’t pose any risks. The child is safely in the uterus in a protected environment of amniotic fluid and membranes. But usually the sexual relationship is (temporarily) different in most couples who are expecting a child.
Things are changing
Many things are going on emotionally and physically, and these things are hard to ignore. It is easy to imagine that you don’t want to think about sex during the first three months of your pregnancy. You feel tired and different. Sometimes you can also suffer greatly from nausea.
Don’t worry, by the end of the third month you will be back to more of your old self and your partner will also notice this. The urge to have sex may even be greater than before. This is because there is more perfused tissue around the vagina, more vaginal discharge, you have larger and more sensitive breasts and a large number of hormones in your body. Getting excited easily and having exciting dreams can be very normal now.
At a later stage, the big belly can get in the way. Thanks to tricks such as different positions this does not need to be a problem. Creativity and a little humor often work magic.
If you and your partner are experiencing problems or you have questions about sexuality, you can always discuss this with your obstetrician.