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    covid update (in English) Bolwerk & Spaarne Gasthuis

    Gepubliceerd op: 12-30-2021Bewerkt op: 12-30-2021
    Verloskundigenpraktijk Bolwerk Gepubliceerd op: 12-30-2021Bewerkt op: 12-30-2021
    Geschreven door: Verloskundigenpraktijk Bolwerk
    Sorry we missed this in our translation in the last update!

    Dear pregnant woman & partner,

    Unfortunately, we are in a lockdown again. We are also seeing an increase in infections in childbirth care, both among pregnant women and among healthcare providers. We will do our utmost to continue to provide the same level of care as you have come to expect from us. However, to minimise the risk of infection among healthcare providers, we feel compelled to take stricter measures. This also allows us to ensure that you continue to see your own trusted midwives as much as possible.

    We would like to ask you to consider whether you can come to the regular check-up alone. Your (delivery) partner is of course still welcome at the ultrasound scan, the intake, the consultation regarding the birth and the check-up at 40 weeks. Video calling during the consultation is of course always possible. It is also still possible to have an intake by telephone.

    We would like to urge you NOT to bring children to the appointment. We realise that this can be an extra challenge especially at this time.

    In addition, all previous measures remain in force:

    • If you, or one of your household members, have complaints that could indicate covid, do not come to the practice. Please call to reschedule your appointment. We advise you to get tested at the GGD. We will always provide acute care for you; giving birth in hospital is also possible.
    • At the practice, we try to maintain the 1,5 metre distance as far as possible and strictly adhere to the hygiene measures.
    • During the checks at the practice, both of you will wear a mask
    • During childbirth, your partner wears a mask
    • Before a home visit, inform us if there are any corona-related complaints in the family
    • In the Spaarne Gasthuis, the visiting regulations have been tightened up: This means that no one besides the partner is allowed to attend the birth. This also applies to a birth photographer or doula. Furthermore, apart from the partner, no visitors are welcome after the birth. This also applies to siblings.

    Vaccination against Corona The Dutch Society for Obstetrics & Gynaecology (NVOG) and the Royal Dutch Organisation for Midwives (KNOV) recommend that healthy pregnant women be vaccinated.

    On this website https://deverloskundige.nl/nieuws/artikel/wel-of-niet-een-prik-tegen-corona-in-diverse-talen/476 you will find information that can help you make a decision about vaccination against corona. Many pregnant women still find this a difficult decision, so it may help to discuss your concerns openly with us at the consultation. Leave at least 14 days between other vaccinations such as the "22 week jab".

    If, despite the advice, you do not choose to be vaccinated, avoid as many situations as possible that facilitate the transmission of corona. Keep your distance, don't visit crowded places and discuss at work where there are acceptable opportunities for you to protect yourself. Because it is likely that the vaccines, like other non-live vaccines, will not get into breast milk, the Health Council sees no objections to vaccination in breast-feeding women. Pregnant women are advised not to carry out any activities after 28 weeks whereby the 1,5m distance cannot be guaranteed. For pregnant women working in health care institutions, the advice applies that they may no longer carry out COVID-19 care from 28 weeks. See: https://lci.rivm.nl/zwangerschap-werk-en-covid-19

    We understand that we are asking a lot of you, and that these are not pleasant measures. But we hope for your understanding! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are here for you!

    Midwives of the Haarlem&Meer cooperative.

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